Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Supermarket Sweep

After a day and half of filling in forms and twiddling thumbs waiting to have projects to work on, I have now properly started working. There are no projects properly in production at the moment and so I am helping with pre-production. I have been coming up with challenge ideas for a new show that is being currently developed. Great to be thinking up ideas and using my creative muscle. The show actually has a lot of potential so its been a good introduction to working here.

I experienced my first Philippino supermarket trip. My favourite thing is that they have a queue specifically for senior citizens – the Philippinos are incredibly polite and I thought that that really summed up a lot about their culture. Whilst we were queuing, in an age appropriate line, we suddenly realised that everyone had stopped doing what they were doing as there was an announcement over the tannoy system. My first thought was that a national emergency had happened and was being announced, however, this just shows my knee-jerk reaction to imagine the worst, and infact a prayer was being said. I cant yet confirm, but I think that it must be a thing that they do daily at 6pm.

Last night we went back to Ayala mall for Greek food. The menus had lots of interesting facts about Greek culture, including a great piece under a picture of olive tree which told you what Greeks call olive oil. Turns out they call it... “oil”...

After dinner we went to Jokers bar, which is a British pub, yes Brits abroad indeed thanks very much! The strangest thing about this bar was a framed poster advertising a slave auction from the 1800s. Seemed rather ominous as one tries to enjoy a cold beverage. Talking of such thing, I sampled the local rum, Tanuay. After Caribbean rum and its incredibly potent affects on my memory and body, Im always wary of rum and try to avoid at all costs (unless there is no other booze, then obviously I shan’t be such a snob!) Tanauy is pretty cheap and seems to be the staple drink of the area. It tastes a lot more watered down than rum Im used to drinking, and as such, drinks go down far too easily.

Got in trouble at work for the first time, for talking to loud. Memo to self, Scottish people have a volume issue – work on this.

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