This is not actually one of my photos, ive not yet had my camera out, but gives you an idea of what im talking about. Trike = fun. Kind of like a tuk tuk, but more rickety, if you were carrying really small skinny people you could probably carry 7 on 1 trike, but in reality, 4 at a push.
We sat on the beach for about 20 mins, until I experienced my first thunder storm. Really amazing. After about 2 drops of rain, the warning was given to head under cover, and right enough, the heavens opened. We sat in a beach bar and watched the storm, which lasted about an hour or so. Purple and orange lightning across the horizon, the rain blurrying the view across to another palm-tree covered island, and the rain moving in sheets.
We ended up sitting at the bar for a good few hours, having extreme film geek chat, which i utterly relished. The people ive met so far are really into film, have great knowledge, all very very funny and friendly. I think Im going to enjoy working with them. One of the guys is Nigerian and was telling us stories about his days in a Nigerian boarding school in the rainforest - his stories were ridiculous and made Glenalmond seem extremely tame in comparison!
It felt like such a treat to be able to sit at the beach bar whilst the sun went down - I always wished we could have done that when I was on ships, but as we always sailed about 5pm, you had to leave the beach by about 330pm latest. This always grated on me as you were constantly clock watching and you never really relaxed. To be able to suddenly look at your watch this evening, to be surprised by the time and know that you didnt have to rush anywhere, was an incredibly feeling. I keep having to remind myself that this is where Im living now - very surreal indeed. Of all the places Ive ever imagined spending a long time abroad in, I must admit, the Philippines, or Asia, was never one. It seems that everyone who ends out coming to work for this company says the same thing - everyone is still surprised at what a random turn their lives have taken.
We took a jeepany home and then ordered pizza and watched the Goonies. It turns out that in my building we have a screening room. Seriously, this screening room is better than a lot of cinemas Ive been to - a collection of massive lazyboys with HD projector and great surround sound. I can tell a lot of good times are going to be had in there. We are planning on doing a weeks worth of viewing where everyone shows a film that everyone else hasnt seen yet, preferably from their home country. Im still scratching my head as to what I can show... updates to follow im sure, suggestions also welcome.
So i should probably explain my building, its a bit like halls of residence as we house people who work for the company and some folk who study at the film school across the road (the film school is owned by the studio).
Anyway, I start tomorrow, we still dont really know whats happening as my boss is away in Taiwan until tomorrow and nobody Ive talked to so far knows what we will be working on. It seems they are developing a bunch of projects at the moment so we are going to be integral to pre-production - hopefully we'll find out what is that we have to pre-produce in the morning...
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